Polish Resettlement Camp, Foxley

Photos from Foxley Camp during the time of  Polish Resettlement  around 1947-1952

Captain Hawker

Polish Resettlement Corp

Camp children given treats

Christmas Lunch in the Mess

Polish Band

Polish RC church set up in one of the huts

Camp nursery

Children at Foxley Camp catch up on schooling

Playing by Foxley Hall

Photographs provided by Henry Pawlowicz

These photos were taken by Henry's father Zbigniew Pawlowicz who was a great amateur photographer and took many photographs of life at Foxley

Wedding day

Christmas luch in the Mess for the Polish soldiers

Pawlowicz Family

Fallen trees cut up for logs to use in the stove

Keeping a goat for milk

No bathrooms

Henry and Stasia Dzierza

An older boy looks after the younger children

Photographs provided by Basia (Barbara) Darowska (nee Swiderska)

Mr & Mrs Swiderski (hut 2/77)

Barbara in the garden

Swiderski and Kunicki Families outside their homes

L-R: standing  Hanna Swiderska, Helena Swiderska, Alekzander Swiderski, Refina Kunicka, Mr Kunicki Seated: Zbigniew Kunicki, Basia Swiderska, Ryszard Kunicki

Corpus Christi Parade with prayers at open air alter

Barbara seated looking to camera

Mansel Lacy School 1950

Teachers: Miss Watkins and Mrs Elson

Polish children top row from left: Zbigniew Peszynski, Jerzy Wasowski, Henryk Matsyiak, Barbara Swiderska

Far right top row: Antoni Tutacz

Bottom row: 2nd from left Kazinierz Rudnicki, 4th from left Krystina Belz, 7th from left Maria Lacka

Visit by General Anders to boost morale (early 50s)

Barbara Swiderska, Maria Lacka and Kristina Belz present flowers to General Anders

Concert for General Anders

Jacek Agapsowicz (second left)

Zbegniew Kunicki (front centre)

Maria Lacka (second right)

Barbara Swiderska (far right)

Photographs provided by Anita Praciak (nee Swiestowski)

Ignacy and Helena Swiestowski in national costume for General Anders visit

Ignacy and Helena Swiestowski and others perform for General Anders

Photographs provided by Jenny Kettle (Bozenka)

Lucja and Tadeusz Wojdylo taking Krystina for a walk

Lucja, Tadeusz, Kystina and Bozenka

Photographs provided by Stasia Dzierza

Transit Camp Italy before departing for UK

Arriving at Foxley

Relaxing in the fields around Foxley

Cuddles with mum

Family has grown

A walk with sister and brother