Parochial Church Council


As the Parachial Church Council we are responsible for the financial affairs of the church parish and the maintenance of its assets which includes St. Michael & All Angels church in Mansel Lacy and St. George's church in Brinsop. We also assist the clergy in the management of Church affairs and promoting the mission of the Church.

Our Priest in Charge

Rev. Rana Davies-James

Mansel Lacy PCC

St Michael & All Angels


Chair - Rev. Rana Davies-James

Vice Chair - Rev. Angie Deane

Church Warden - Stuart Deane

Secretary - Cal Edwards

Treasurer - Stuart Deane

Members: Joyce Lewis, Vera Cole, Rosa Williams & Sue Hallett

Brinsop PCC

St. George


Chair - Rev. Rana Davies-James

Vice Chair - James Spreckley

Church Warden - Katrina Morris

Secretary - Peter Bains

Treasurer - Jane Simons

Members: Brenda Mills, Connie Kingsland, D Filsell & Anna Spreckley

View and download copies of Church Council documents

View and download copies of past Church Council meeting minutes